Micropipette Tips

Choosing the Right Micropipette Tips for Different Volumes and Applications

Micropipettes facilitate the precise and accurate measurement and transfer of liquid volumes. The efficiency of your micropipette is significantly influenced by the pipette tips you use. Selecting the appropriate micropipette tips is essential for achieving reliable and reproducible results. We will discuss the nuances of selecting the right micropipette tips for various volumes and applications, offering a detailed guide to assist you in making an informed decision.

Understanding Micropipette Tips

Micropipette tips are disposable attachments designed to fit onto the end of a micropipette. They are available in different shapes, sizes, and materials, each designed for specific purposes. The primary factors to consider when choosing micropipette tips include:

  • Volume Range: Different tips are designed to handle specific volume ranges.
  • Material: Tips can be made from polypropylene, low-retention materials, or filtered options.
  • Sterility: Tips may be sterile or non-sterile, depending on the application.
  • Compatibility: Ensure tips are compatible with your micropipette model.

Volume Range and Tip Sizes

1. Low-Volume Tips (0.1 – 10 µL)

These are designed for precision and accuracy at very low volumes. These micropipette tips are essential for applications requiring meticulous measurements and transfers.

  • Applications: PCR, qPCR, and other molecular biology techniques. These techniques often involve working with minute quantities of DNA, RNA, or other reagents, where precision is paramount.
  • Characteristics: These micropipette tips are typically narrow and fine to allow for the precise delivery of small volumes. Filtered tips can be beneficial to prevent contamination in sensitive assays, particularly in applications like PCR, where avoiding cross-contamination is crucial.

2. Medium-Volume Tips (10 – 200 µL)

Medium-volume micropipette tips are versatile and commonly used for a wide range of laboratory applications. They strike a balance between precision and volume capacity.

  • Applications: General lab work, enzyme assays, and cell culture. These tasks often require handling moderate volumes of liquids, making medium-volume tips an ideal choice.
  • Characteristics: These micropipette tips are designed to provide accuracy and precision across a broad volume range. Standard polypropylene tips are often sufficient for routine tasks, offering a cost-effective solution for general laboratory use.

3. High-Volume Tips (200 – 1000 µL)

High-volume micropipette tips are robust and suitable for larger volume measurements. They are designed to handle substantial quantities of liquids without compromising accuracy.

  • Applications: Protein purification, large-volume transfers, and reagent preparation. These applications typically involve handling larger volumes and require high-volume tips.
  • Characteristics: These micropipette tips are larger and sturdier to accommodate high-volume transfers. Extended-length tips can help reach deeper containers without contamination, making them particularly useful for working with large sample volumes or in situations where deep wells or containers are used.

Material Considerations

1. Standard Polypropylene Tips

The most commonly used type of micropipette tips. They are suitable for a wide range of general applications.

  • Advantages: These micropipette tips are cost-effective and widely available. Due to their affordability and versatility, they are a staple in most laboratories.
  • Limitations: May retain small amounts of liquid, affecting accuracy for very low volumes. For applications where precise measurement of tiny volumes is critical, low-retention tips may be a better choice.
Micropipette Tips

2. Low-Retention Tips

Made from specially treated polypropylene to minimize liquid retention, enhancing accuracy and precision.

  • Advantages: These tips have a hydrophobic surface that reduces liquid adhesion, ensuring that nearly the entire sample is dispensed. This feature is particularly beneficial for viscous or sticky liquids and critical assays where sample loss must be minimized.
  • Applications: These are ideal for applications involving viscous liquids, such as protein solutions or certain reagents in molecular biology. They are also useful in assays where every microliter of the sample is precious.

3. Filtered Tips

Contains a filter to prevent aerosols and liquids from entering the micropipette, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

  • Advantages: The filter acts as a barrier, protecting the micropipette from contamination by aerosols or splashes. This protection is crucial in preventing sample contamination and maintaining the integrity of the micropipette.
  • Applications: It is essential for PCR, cell culture, and working with hazardous or infectious materials. Preventing contamination is vital in PCR and other amplification techniques to avoid false positives or inaccurate results.

Sterility and Contamination Prevention

1. Sterile Tips

Pre-sterilized tips prevent contamination, ensuring the integrity of sensitive experiments.

  • Applications: Tissue culture, microbiology, and clinical diagnostics. These applications often require sterile conditions to prevent contamination and ensure accurate results.
  • Benefits: Sterile tips are individually packaged or come in sterile racks, providing convenience and reducing the risk of introducing contaminants into the experimental setup.

2. Non-Sterile Tips

Suitable for routine lab work where sterility is not a critical factor.

  • Applications: Routine lab tasks such as reagent preparation, sample dilution, and general liquid handling do not typically require sterile conditions, making non-sterile tips a cost-effective choice.
  • Benefits: More affordable and available in bulk, non-sterile tips are practical for everyday laboratory use where sterility is not a primary concern.

Compatibility and Fit

1. Universal Fit Tips

Fits a wide range of micropipette brands and models.

  • Advantages: These tips offer versatility and convenience, as they can be used with different micropipettes, making them a flexible option for laboratories with multiple pipette types.
  • Considerations: While universal fit tips are convenient, they may not provide the optimal fit for all micropipettes, potentially affecting accuracy. It’s essential to test these tips with your micropipettes to ensure they meet your precision requirements.
Micropipette Tips

2. Manufacturer-Specific Tips

Tailored to specific micropipette models for a perfect fit, ensuring maximum accuracy and precision. Best example is Accumax LF Tips which are made to fit Rainin® LTS® style pipettes, Accumax Fab LF Pipettes and AHN EL3 Pipettes.

  • Advantages: These tips are designed to match the specifications of the micropipettes from the same manufacturer, ensuring a secure fit and optimal performance. This compatibility can enhance the accuracy and precision of your measurements.
  • Considerations: Manufacturer-specific tips may be more expensive and require sourcing from specific suppliers. However, the investment in these tips can be worthwhile for critical applications where precision is paramount.

Special Features and Innovations

1. Extended Length Tips

Designed to reach into deep containers or access hard-to-reach samples.

  • Applications: Ideal for working with deep-well plates, tubes, or other containers where standard tips cannot reach. These tips are particularly useful in cell culture and certain types of sample preparation.
  • Benefits: Extended-length tips reduce the risk of contamination and improve ease of use in specific scenarios, allowing for more efficient sample handling.

2. Gel-Loading Tips

Designed to load samples into electrophoresis gels with precision.

  • Applications: These tips are essential for loading samples for DNA, RNA, or protein electrophoresis, techniques that require precise placement of samples into gel wells.
  • Benefits: The fine, narrow ends of gel-loading tips allow for precise application without disturbing the gel, ensuring even and accurate sample loading.

3. Barrier Tips

It incorporates a barrier to protect the micropipette from contamination and potential damage.

  • Applications: Working with volatile or hazardous substances. These tips are crucial in laboratories handling infectious agents, radioactive materials, or volatile chemicals.
  • Benefits: The barrier prevents aerosols and liquids from contaminating the pipette, safeguarding both the instrument and the user. Barrier tips are essential for maintaining a safe and contamination-free work environment.

Tips for Selecting the Right Micropipette Tips

Consider the factors listed to ensure optimal performance and reliability in your laboratory work.

1. Evaluate Your Application Needs

  • Volume Requirements: Determine the volume range you frequently work with and select tips that match these requirements. Using tips designed for the specific volume range ensures accuracy and precision.
  • Material Compatibility: Consider the types of liquids you work with. Low-retention tips are beneficial for viscous or sticky liquids. Filtered or barrier tips are essential for hazardous or infectious materials.
  • Sterility: Assess whether your applications require sterile tips to prevent contamination. For tissue culture, microbiology, and clinical diagnostics, sterile tips are necessary.

2. Consider Micropipette Compatibility

  • Universal vs. Manufacturer-Specific Tips: Decide whether you need universal tips for versatility or manufacturer-specific tips for optimal fit and accuracy. Testing tips with your micropipettes can help determine the best choice.
  • Fit and Seal: Ensure that the tips provide a secure fit and seal with your micropipettes. A good fit prevents leaks and ensures accurate measurements.

3. Assess Cost and Availability

  • Budget Considerations: Balance cost with the need for precision and reliability. While low-cost tips may be sufficient for routine tasks, investing in higher-quality tips can improve accuracy for critical applications.
  • Bulk Purchases: For routine lab work, purchasing tips in bulk can reduce costs. However, ensure that bulk tips meet your quality standards and are compatible with your pipettes.

4. Test and Validate Tips

  • Performance Testing: Test different tips with your micropipettes to evaluate their performance. Assess accuracy, precision, and ease of use to determine the best tips for your applications.


Choosing the right micropipette tips is crucial for ensuring precision, accuracy, and reliability in laboratory procedures. Whether you’re working with low volumes in PCR assays, medium volumes in cell culture, or large volumes in protein purification, selecting the appropriate tips tailored to your specific applications is essential.

Accumax micropipette tips are ergonomically optimized with cone geometry, providing an ideal fit for Accumax micropipettes and many other models from different manufacturers. Crafted from 100% virgin polypropylene and manufactured in a fully automated 100K class cleanroom environment, these tips guarantee absolute purity with no additives or dyes. They adhere strictly to ISO 9001-compliant manufacturing processes, ensuring the elimination of all external sources of contamination.

By choosing Accumax micropipette tips, you guarantee the consistency and reliability of your results in a way unmatched by any other tip. Their design and manufacturing standards prioritize accuracy and reliability, making them a trusted choice in laboratories where precise measurements are critical.

Investing in high-quality micropipette tips such as Accumax ensures that your lab procedures maintain the highest standards of accuracy, reliability, and contamination control, ultimately enhancing the success of your scientific pursuits.

Aanak Goswami

Aanak Goswami

Designation: Global Marketing Head.
With over 13 years of experience in driving organizational growth through strategic business development and sales initiatives, Aanak, specializes in the Research, Institutional, Clinical Diagnostics, Healthcare, and Biopharma sectors. A key aspect of his expertise is leveraging industry insights to generate impactful growth and develop lasting business relationships.

Aanak Goswami

Designation: Global Marketing Head.

12+ Years of experience in generating growth for organisations. Having customer management skills with experience of Research, Institutional, clinical diagnostics, Healthcare and Biopharma customers.

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